Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common medical condition in which stomach contents leak into the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach.
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About Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common medical condition in which stomach contents leak into the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. This tube is called the esophagus. Stomach contents are acidic, which can cause pain and tissue damage in the esophagus. Severe cases can lead to increased risk of problems with the esophagus. These include inflammation, constriction, and cancer. Treatment may help reduce these risks.
People with acid reflux may experience heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and regurgitation. These symptoms may increase after meals and when sleeping. The severity of cases can vary. For some people, the symptoms can be mild and infrequent, while for others they can be more frequent and more severe.
Normally, a muscle between the stomach and esophagus prevents reflux. When closed, this muscle keeps stomach contents from entering the esophagus. Reflux can occur if this muscle relaxes for an extended period of time. Alcohol and tobacco use can relax this muscle and contribute to symptoms. Body position can also affect reflux. Lying down can increase acid backflow into the esophagus. This is why some people have more symptoms when going to bed. Some foods can increase symptoms, including orange juice, coffee, and anything spicy. Acid reflux is also common during pregnancy.
There are many different treatments for acid reflux. Treatment can include avoiding acidic and spicy foods, staying away from tobacco and alcohol, and elevating the head of the bed. Over-the-counter medications may treat infrequent, mild symptoms of acid reflux. Your prescriber may prescribe medications for severe or long-lasting symptoms.
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